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To pay the IRS:

Note: Be sure to specify what year and what taxes you are paying. E.g., 2024 1040 or 2025 Estimated Tax.

To Set Up a Payment Plan with the IRS:

To check on your refund:

To check on an Amended Return:

Note: At the time this page was published, the IRS is processing e-filed amended returns manually. That is, if the amended return was e-filed, someone is printing those returns on their end, and then the IRS is manually re-entering them into their system in order to process. That is, unlike the original returns, their system is not automated. Thus, amended returns are taking months or even more than a year to process!

To set up an only account with the IRS:

You can use an online account to access tax records, make and view payments, view or create payment plans, and view your balance.

Tax and Accounting for Killeen, Harker Heights, Copperas Cove, Nolanville, Belton, Temple, and Salado.

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