Business Tax Services

business tax preparation Killeen Harker Heights Texas

We offer tax services for Partnerships, Corporations, S-Corporations, LLC’s, as well as Estate, Trusts, and non-profits. Technically, Estates, Trusts, and Non-Profits are not businesses, so they are just included here for convenience. Also, if you are a Sole Proprietorship or a single member LLC , your business income and expenses are included on your personal tax return.

If you are required to file a franchise tax return with the state of Texas, we can prepare those as well for an additional fee.  Or you can opt to prepare that yourself.

As with personal returns, business return prices are based on the time and complexity of doing the return.  The price of business returns start at around $250 (not including Franchise), assuming we have good clean financial statements to work with.  Fees go up depending on the time it takes to organize and compile data to do the return.   If you are not a bookkeeping client, in many cases we will reach back out to you and let you (the business) know how we need the data organized in order to do the return.  We do not have time to do the previous years accounting during tax season.

Call us today at 254-432-5724.

Tax and Accounting for Killeen, Harker Heights, Copperas Cove, Nolanville, Belton, Temple, and Salado.

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